works only with Open Source Video Drivers !NOT WITH CATALYST
!!!First install mesa utilitis
if u dont have it!!
Type this into your terminal
sudo apt-get install mesa-utils
Now to solve the video tearing
Type this into your terminal
sudo mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
echo -e 'Section "Device" Identifier "Radeon" Driver "radeon" Option "TearFree" "on" EndSection' | sudo tee /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-amd.conf
sudo reboot
*"sudo reboot" will
restart the pc!!!!
To revert back to the default
acceleration method , just delete the file you created.
Type this into your terminal
sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-amd.conf
sudo reboot
*"sudo reboot" will
restart the pc!!!!